
You're Ghana Love These

On the heels of the previous video covers post, I have to share these hand painted movie posters from Ghana. They're amazing! Explanation:

In the 1980s video cassette technology made it possible for “mobile cinema” operators in Ghana to travel from town to town and village to village creating temporary cinemas. The touring film group would create a theatre by hooking up a TV and VCR onto a portable generator and playing the films for the people to see.

In order to promote these showings, artists were hired to paint large posters of the films (usually on used canvas flour sacks). The artists were given the artistic freedom to paint the posters as they desired - often adding elements that weren’t in the actual films, or without even having seen the movies. When the posters were finished they were rolled up and taken on the road (note the heavy damages). The “mobile cinema” began to decline in the mid-nineties due to greater availability of television and video; as a result the painted film posters were substituted for less interesting/artistic posters produced on photocopied paper.

The artistic freedom that these artists were given allowed for the creation of some very interesting and sometimes bizarre posters that, as screenwriter Walter Hill wrote, were quite often “more interesting than the films.”

Text and posters from: ephemera assemblyman and the accompanying links within. Click for mega sizes.

If you're into these, some are available rather inexpensively considering how cool and unique they are. One could only wish some of these movies were half as interesting as these representations. Steven Seagal never looked so good standing next to a corn cob.

20 Epic VHS Covers

As a young kid in the '80s, I grew up smack dab in the middle of the home video market boom. All sorts of low budget, straight-to-video schlock hit the shelves with no advertising of any kind other than the cover you were presented with. It really had to sell since you'd probably not seen any trailer or read any reviews for these films; there just weren't any. And being a kid during this boom was great, so many of these covers were better than the movie they packaged, the story you made up in your mind was probably far superior. And the art was so awesome and uniquely "video." So anyways, here're 20 epic video covers that would've have intrigued my 9-year old self, click for larger, more epic views.


The Barbarians (part 2): Barbarian Queen 1 & 2

Let me get two things out of the way immediately. First, Barbarian Queen sucks. Second, Barbarian Queen II sucks. I hope I haven't offended any prepubescent genre lovers out there, but there is little to find of worth in this pairing. They are however, completely hilarious. One of the only redeeming parts is the endearing performances by the late Lana Clarkson, yes the Lana Clarkson that Phil Spector murdered. She stars in both, though she plays different characters in each, and neither are related in any way unless you count Clarkson, swords, boobs and Clarkson's sword wielding boobs. It may be the downer of knowing her fate that make's these hard to watch because she's so young and anxious looking here. It's unfortunate her career never took off, though her acting isn't the best truthfully, she really is the best thing about the movies.

screen from mcbeardo.com

The second best thing about them are the quotables, for just one example, "My stomach...it feels like there's bears in it." Typing it now doesn't do it justice, context is key I guess. Ok, plots in 20 seconds: First Clarkson's sister is kidnapped by horny Roman dudes, she fights back! Second time around Clarkson's emperor dad dies and evil dudes wanna take his magic sceptre, she fights back!

I think, if you were to hold my feet over a vat of boiling pig fat (or you were flickchart) and make me choose a favorite of the two, I'd have to go with part 2, if only for the more hilarious plot involving the magic sceptre and prissy young princess who, via magic and wishing, ages to be a woman and is then killed by her father. Oh, spoiler alert.

Here's a funny clip

All this being said, as I usually do, I recommend these as a double feature at least one viewing. Get some friends, some booze, and a sense of humor, and you'll be a-okay. And the posters are amazing, everyone remember Boris Vallejo? He lives in Allentown! Who knew?

Buy Both Barbarian Queen 1 & 2 as a double feature



The Internet is a cruel and unjust place when you are forced to choose the better between Ghostbusters and Back to the Future. Such is the battle one faces on Flickchart, where I've just lost an hour of my life, and increased self doubt when pitting cinematic apples to oranges. I mean seriously, what kind of hell have we entered when a faceless operator asks, "Please choose between Die Hard and the Goonies..."

And I've inexplicably got Shrek near the top of my personal rankings.